This “Republic of Kenya Electronic Travel Authorisation Website” has been developed in order to provide information that relates specifically to the “Republic of Kenya eTA” application. This Privacy Policy is designed to assist and inform you of the measures that have been put into place to protect your personal data as you plan for your upcoming visit to Kenya.
Applicable Privacy Laws
All relevant data protection and privacy laws, including the laws of the Republic of Kenya and certain foreign laws, such as the GDPR, the Kenya Data Protection Act and other regulatory requirements.
Personal Data
Any information relating to an identified or potentially identifiable living individual (data subject).
Privacy Authorities
The relevant supervisory authority with responsibility for privacy or data protection matters who supervises the application of the applicable Privacy Laws for the Government of the Republic of Kenya.
Process, Processing, or Processed
Any operation or set of operations that are performed automatically or non-automatically upon data that is collected, such as collecting, recording, organising, structuring, storing, adapting, altering, retrieving, consulting, using, disclosing, making available, aligning, combining, restricting, erasing, and destroying data.
The Government of the Republic of Kenya.
Entity engaged by the Government of the Republic of Kenya to process the data it collects.
This website is operated by the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government – Directorate of Immigration Services of the Government of the Republic of Kenya which employs technology to prevent unauthorised access to the information you enter and view. This website is operated under the strictest controls to ensure the privacy of your personal data.The Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government – Directorate of Immigration Services of the Government of the Republic of Kenya (the data controller) ensures that there are procedures in place that allow travellers to exercise their rights. All rights of the traveller will be carried out without charge for the subjects.
Collecting information
The collection of information is authorised by the Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Act 2011. When you apply for the Republic of Kenya eTA, the information you provide is used to determine your identity and your eligibility to travel based on government-defined criteria. Only the personal data necessary to process your application are requested, collected, and processed. The supply of your information is voluntary, however, if you do not supply the requested information, your eTA application will be rejected, and you will not be allowed to board the aircraft.
Use of Information
The information you provide will be exclusively used to process your application for the Republic of Kenya eTA in conformity with the Republic of Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Act 2011. A valid eTA is mandatory for all passengers seeking to travel to Kenya except Kenyan Citizens and Citizens of EAC Partner States.Information collected
Identity documentation
- Photo or scan of an identity document
- Surname
- Given names
- Identity document number
Expiration date
- Photo suitable for use in an identity document
Contact information
- Phone number
- Email address
- Permanent residence
Trip Information
- Expected travel date
- Airline with supporting documents
- Flight number
- Departure airport
- Arrival airport
Address(es) in Kenya with supporting documents
Additional information on a case-by-case basis:
- Financial assets / bank letter(s)
Yellow fever certificate, other vaccination(s) and/or test results certificates
- Letter and/or appointment letter from the referring doctor/hospital
- Conference invitation/participation letter
- Employment contract
- Supporting documents for resettlement
- Invitation letter from company
- Copy of registration of the company
- Invitation letter from family/host
Identity card /Passport/Alien card/Entry permit of the family member/host
- A Diplomatic, Official and Service passport
An official letter from the Country of Origin/Organisation/Foreign Affairs.
Sharing Information
The information collected by and maintained in the eTA will not be disclosed to any third party in a form that identifies the traveller, except to duly authorised officers of various departments of the Government of the Republic of Kenya or their representatives which are legally authorised to receive it on a need-to-know basis. Your personal information is not shared with airport or airline staff; the check-in agent can only see your name and the status of your eTA.
Storage of Information
Any information collected from you is protected in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kenya and, where applicable, by foreign laws. Information submitted by applicants through the eTA Website or Mobile App is subject to the same strict privacy provisions and controls that have been established for similar traveller screening programs.The Government of the Republic of Kenya keeps a record of the travellers’ personal data in accordance with its laws. Traveller’s personal data is the same as entered by the traveller when applying for the eTA.All collected data is stored in a secure manner and will be automatically anonymized or deleted after a set period of time after you left the country.
Safety of Credit Card Information
The eTA system does not retain your credit card information after the transaction is processed. Our payment implementation is fully compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), which is the global security standard for all entities that store, process, or transmit cardholder data and/or sensitive authentication data. PCI DSS sets a baseline level of protection for consumers and helps reduce fraud and data breaches across the entire payment ecosystem.
Access to Your Personal Data
You have the right to access the personal data information about you which is stored within the eTA system. You have a right to learn the nature and scope of all your personal data held within the eTA system. To access this data, please contact the Government of the Republic of Kenya at the address provided below.Cancel Your eTA Application or Correct/Update Your Personal DataOnce you have submitted your eTA application, you will be unable to delete the data contained therein, however you will be able to update the information. You have no right to delete data you submitted as this data once submitted is key for police and border protection activities. Therefore, it is important to ensure the correctness of all data before its submission.
Rejection of Your eTA Application
If your eTA application is denied, you will not be authorised to travel to Kenya. Please contact [email protected] to report your situation and obtain further details.
Questions Regarding this Privacy Policy
If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact:Data ControllerName: The Director General, Directorate of Immigration Services, The Ministry of Interior and National Administration, State Department for Immigration and the Citizen, Republic of Kenya, Address: Nyayo House ground floor, Kenyatta Avenue/ Uhuru, Accra, Republic of Kenya Email:
[email protected]
The data controller will respond to all requests or complaints sent within forty calendar days. Should that not be the case, the controller ensures that an adequate, comprehensible, and complete justification is provided.